New career

I used to be in the corporate world until I had my first child 7 years ago. I was an IT project manager and a consultant. I loved my job, but a 60hr work week was the norm with midnight calls to India. When my son was born I tried very hard to be superwoman but work and my sons health issues forced me to face reality. When my son was 18 months old his pediatrician told me that I had to take a leave of absence and take my son out of daycare because all of his illnesses were not normal and his symptoms were presenting like leukemia. That was my last day in the corporate world! After many specialist visits around the country and therapy my son is a healthy, well adjusted 7 year old. Also, 5 years ago I was blessed with a baby girl. She failed her new born hearing screen and has been loosing her hearing since then.

I never thought nor wanted to be a stay at home mom, but it was in God’s plan for me to have these children and help them overcome their health issues. They are ready to start school this week and I am ready to start my new career. I feel blessed to have found the DG family because I never thought I could do something that fit my skills so well, while giving me the flexibility to still take my children to their different medical appointments. Another bonus is that I will still have the time to teach Spanish at my children's school once a week. Win/win.

Thank you!
